REVISED: 11/9/08
Clark, Clark-Fitzwilliams
James W Clark, Bridgewater PA.
Clark Ornithopter Displayed at EAA Oshkosh

Ornithopter 1900 = 1p ornithopter; 5hp Waterman K-2. Chicken-wire wing panels were covered with turkey feathers, and the whole flapping-wing contraption sat on a four-wheel cart. Clockmaker and bicycle repairman Clark's creation was wrecked in attempts at flight and rebuilt twice, but it never did get off the ground. Although flightless, it is undoubtedly the oldest example of a powered aircraft in the US. Experiments were abandoned in 1904 and it was stored in a carriage house until 1976, when it was located and restored for display in the Charles C Lewis collection. Sold at a Christie's auction 9/20/83. Most recently (2003) displayed at Owl's Head Air Museum.
-Fitzwilliams Cycloplane 1910 = No data.
Earl H & Donald Clark, Buffalo NY.
M-1 1926 = 1pOhwM; 28hp Lawrance. Parasol wing. POP: at least 1 [935] c/n 4, but another Clarkconstructor and type unspecifiedshows up c.1930 as [200M].
Clark Airplane Co (fdrs: Richard D Clark, Charles D Reed), Ponca City OK.
1930 = No production data. Thought to be unrelated to the previous entry.
1936: Duromold Aircraft Div, Fairchild Aircraft & Engine Corp, Hagerstown MD. 1938: (Virginius E) Clark Aurcraft Corp. Sep 1938: Fairchild renamed its Duromold division Fairchild Airplane Investment Corp, and Clark created a subsidiary called Duramold (spelling change) Aircraft Corp, renamed late 1938 Molded Aircraft Corp. 1939: Reacquired by Fairchild Corp as Molded Aircraft Corp and Duramold Aircraft Mfg Corp. WW2: Both Duramold companies disappeared during one of Fairchild's wartime reorganizations.
Clark 46 [NC19131] (Frank Rezich coll)
Clark 46 [NC19131] (Ed Popejoy)

46 Duramold aka Fairchild 46-A 1937 (ATC 2-545) = 5pClwM; 450hp supercharged Ranger SGV-770; span: 38'0" length: 33'5' load: 1627# v: 225/220/65 range: 750. Col Virginius Clark (also designer of Clark-Y airfoil); ff: 12/5/37. Fuselage constructed with Haskelite bonded-plywood process, patented as Duromold, later spelled Duramold for incorporation. POP: 1 [NX/NC19131]. Restored in 1949 and refitted with 450hp P&W Wasp.
GA-43 SEE General Aviation GA-43
Clark Aircraft Inc, Marshall TX.
12 1956 (2A12) = Agplane. 1pOB; 225hp R-680 or W-670. Metal fuselage; hopper capacity: 1000#.
Clark 1000C [N9019R] (William T Larkins)

1000C 1960 (TC 2A6) = Similar to model 12; span: 30'5" length: 24'11" load: 1400# v: 100/85/x; ff: (prototype) 3/19/56 (production model) 5/3/57. POP: total about 70 Clarks reported built.
Clark & Wood
Jesse O Clark & Delmar E Wood, 807 W Noble Ave, Visalia CA.
1928 = 2pOhwM; Anzani [X5757] c/n 1.
RKM-1 1929 = 1p or 2pOhwM; 100hp Kinner or 37hp Lawrance or Anzani. [X848E] c/n 2. This is a jigsaw puzzle crying to be pieced together. A photo in J W Underwood's "Madcaps..." book shows it captioned: "General-Western P-1 Meteor on its first certification test, June 1930. [X848E] refused to come out of a spin a week later and Al Lary was obliged to bail out." If anything, that aircraft looks more like a P-2 with a more angular fuselage, and General-Western's connection is sketchy at bestthe appearance in some early registers of [848E] c/n 3 as General-Western P-2 is suspect. Its c/n does not agree with ATC records where General-Western's c/n (as 103) is registered as [NC12254]. Lennart Johnsson found no trace of either Clark or Wood with General-Western; however, Clark does appear on some Midwest records in the early '30s. The ship is more often seen in 1929 to 1939 records as Clark & Wood RKM-1, registered in Kansas first by Clark-Wood (1929) as [X848E], then Jack Byrd as [848E] (1931), G E Woodwell (1931-32), Gene Tedford (1936), Everett Sutton (1936-37), and Glenn Yarberry (1938-39). Equally interesting is that neither FAA nor NASM have any record of [848E]. Also, was that the same Clark involved with the 1931 Hayden-Clark-O'Day parasol monoplane in Visalia?.

A picture in Visalia Times-Delta shows a rather small airplane with "BABY VISALIA" on its side, but no data. ( John M Jarratt 4/1/03)
J Clarke, Chicago IL.
1909 = Wright type; no data. Some historical mixup in names here results from a TWK Clarke & Co in England who produced several Wright-type gliders in 1909-1910.
Classic Aircraft Co, Lansing MI, aka Classic Aero Enterprises.
F5 1985 = Replica Waco F-5. 3pOB; span: (upper) 30'0" (lower) 26'10" length: 23'4" load: 830# v: 135/110/58 range: 330; ff: 11/20/85 [N1935B].
YMF Super 19?? = 3pOB; 275hp Jacobs R-755-B2; span: (upper) 30'0" (lower) 26'10" length: 23'10" load: 965# v: 135/110/60. [N40115]. Other known production were HJ-2 Honey Bee, H-3 Pegasus, and HP-40 Warhawkno specs or data found on those.
(W) Cleary Aircraft Corp, no location.
CL-1 Zipper 1983 = Unknown type; 38hp Kawasaki 440A pusher; span: 32'10" load: 247# v: x/62/x; ff: 7/x/83 (p: W Cleary). Jack Laister. Twin-boom.
John Wesley Clem, Kansas City KS.
Clem Gold Bug Restoration [N149C] (Royce Craig via clip: AAA American Airman)

Gold Bug 1920 = 1pOmwM; 30hp motorcycle engine; span: 22'2" length: c.15'0". Reportedly the first monoplane designed and built in the Wichita area. Clem was a mechanic and machinist with Cessna Co, later Stearman. [N149C] was a faithful 1958 restoration by Dean Case & Jack Metzker using about 90 percent of the Clem's original oak and pine components, including nails and the 20" spoke wheels. Reg cancelled 4/8/74.
Aero Club, Clemson College SC.
Special 1929 = No data.
Cleone Motors Co, St Louis MO.
5-M Paraquet 1930 = 1pOhwM; 25hp Cleone; span: 33'8" length: 17'0" load: 278# v: 70/60/20. POP: 1 [X712M]. Plans were available for home-builders.
7-M 1930 = Data unknown, likely a modified version of 5-M. POP: 1 [548N].
Location inknown.
Trio Midget c.1955 = 1pOlwM; no other data [N73794]. Photo caption in Jan 1957 Air Pictorial: "...designed and built by the brothers Clifton and their father."
W R Clinger, Grandville MI.
Clinger CL-1 [14149] (ad: Popular Aviation)

CL-1 1934 = 2pCB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5 pusher; v: 90/75/35. Looked much like a seaplane with its hull-shaped cabin. [14149] c/n 1000.
Cloquet Mfg Co dba Trainer Aircraft Co Inc (fdrs: Norman Nelson, Claude Phillips, "Rosie" Rosenthal), Cloquet MN.
1931 = 2pOlwM; 55hp Velie. Side-by-side trainer with long, thin fuselage. POP: 2 [12925, 12958] both registered to company co-founder Nelson. After many hours of flying, the latter, refitted with 90hp Kinner, flew demonstrations at air shows, was deliberately destroyed at one by bombs dropped from the first one in a rather sardonic role. The first then went into storage and eventually vanished.
Cloud Aircraft Co. Cloud-Coupe Aircraft & Motors Corp Inc, Milan IN.
Cloud-Coupe A-1 [X15178]

A-1 1935 = 2pCswB; 85hp LeBlond 5DF. POP: 1 [X15178].
Cub 19?? = no data.
EXP-1 1931 = 2pCswB; 65hp Ford A. POP: 1 [11230] c/n EXP-1. Also with LeBlond.
LW, M-P 1931 = Uncertain type, possibly modifications of the previous entry, with LeBlond or Light Tiger. POP: 8 or more; [12425, 12426, 12450, et al] c/ns 1 to 8.
SQ-2 19?? = no data.
Cloud Dancer
Cloud Dancer Aeroplane Works, Columbus OH.
Jenny Sport 1984 = 3/4-scale Curtiss JN-4 replica. 1pOB; 35hp Cuyuna UL II-02; span: (upper) 28'4" (lower) 24'8" load: 250# v: x/54/x.
Robert W Clouser, Ontario CA.
CG-1 Gnat c.1958 = 1pOH; two 15# pulse-jets; rotor 18'0" load: 240#; v: 70/x/0. Could be hauled easily in an auto trunk with wheels resting on the bumper. [N49P].
Coddington & Webb
C C Coddington & Magnum Webb, Charlotte NC.
1910 = No data.
Frank Coffyn, Knoxville TN.
Coffin Hydro-Aeroplane In transit (Natonal Archives)

Hydro-Aeroplane 1910 = 2pOBF on twin floats; no specs or data but thought to have been a Wright B. Clip from 10/8/11 Knoxville Journal & Tribune: "After making several successful flights in a biplane equipped with pontoons for alighting on the water, Captain Fred M Alger and Aviator Frank Coffyn dropped into Lake St Clair yesterday. The fall was only a short one and neither man was injured." Having pilot license #26, Coffyn was a member of the original Wright exhibition team, pioneered mapping of air mail routes, was a USAAC Captain, qualified for FAA helicopter license #3 at age 66.
Coffman, Coffman-Ranger
Mar 1928: (Sam H) Coffman-(C R) Strong Aircraft Co, Clinton OK. Dec 1928: Coffman Monoplanes Inc, Oklahoma City OK; absorbed Southwest Airways Inc. 1929: Sold manufacturing rights to Ranger Aircraft Corp, Oklahoma City, and Coffman became an airport mgr. The field was bought by Tibbs Flying School.
3-B 1929 = Unknown type; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [500M, 9358]. Company also seen as Coffman-(C R) Strong.
Coffman A [X569E] (Aviation)

A 1928 (ATC 2-145) = 3pChwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 37'0" length: 23'6" load: 817# v: 125/95/34 range: 650. Sam Coffman. Single ceiling-mounted control stick. ATC in 1929. $3,500; POP: 5 [300V, X569E, NC591M, 812N, 889N]. Design, quite influenced by Lindbergh's Spirit of St Louis, evolved into Ranger Cadet (qv).
Air Coupe 1929 = no data.
C-1 Racer SEE Ranger C-1.
Junior 1931 = 1pOmwM; 65hp Velie, NACA cowling. A private, collaborative effort by Miles Westfall and Coffman after the sale of his business. [X11910] c/n 101.
Monoplane Special 1928 = 3pChwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span:
37'0" length: 23'6" load: 689# v: 120/x/38. POP: 1 modified model A design for the 1928 Oklahoma Air Tour [X4171].
W (Ranger) 1930 = 3pM; 125hp Warner; [368V] c/n 200. Started at Coffman in 1929, but completed at, and registered as, Ranger.
Milton Colden, Clintonville WI.
C-1 Cyclops aka MWP 1961 = 1pOmwM; 65hp Lycoming O-145B pusher; span: 26'6" length: 19'4" load: 250# v: 105/95/60 range: 225; ff: 9/26/61. Twin-boom; tandem landing gear with outriggers. POP: 1 [N12C].
Parasol Monoplane c.1910 = no data.
Cole School of Aviation/Cole Aircraft Corp, 3617 Euclid Ave, Cleveland OH.
Model 1 1924 = 2pOB; Curtiss OXX-3. POP: 1 [370] c/n 1. Possibly a school project.
Sport 1926 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 27'0" length: 21'0" load: 600# v: 120/x/45 range: 480. POP: at least 3 [2841, 2921, 7651], the last registered 1928 as Commercial, with c/n 42.
Ross A Cole, Dallas TX.
1929 = Circular-wing aircraft, no data.
J Raymond Cole, Oklahoma City OK.
1933 = Ford-powered 2pOM. [13963].
L J Coleman, Sioux City IA.
Sioux Scout 1929 = Unknown type; Henderson. [886N].
1940: (Gilbert) Colgate-(Victor A) Larsen Aircraft Co, Amityville NY.
Colgate-Larsen CL-15 Factory model (Dan Shumaker coll)

CL-15 1941 = 4pChwMAm; 200hp Ranger 6-440 pusher; span: 40'0" length: 30'10" load: 1140# v: 140/125/50 range: 500. V A Larsen. Redesign of 1939 Spencer-Larsen featured larger engine, two additional passenger seats, fixed near-tip-mounted wing floats, flush-retracting wing-mounted main landing gear that rotated (a la Curtiss P-40), and retractable water rudder. ( Fred Maupin 1/22/08)
Collier, Collier-Combs
1927: (William S) Collier & (L A) Combs Aircraft Co, Ponca City OK.
Commercial Cabin 1927 = 3pO/ChwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 36'0" length: 23'0" v: 115; ff: 4/7/27 (p: Collier). Small cabin for two, pilot in open cockpit aft of strut-braced parasol wing; wing fuel tanks. Arguably claimed as "the fastest and lightest commercial ship in the USA," and christened Ponca City Queen. "Washed out and not rebuilt," no date, and reg cancelled by CAA [C2357]. Reported as a first effort of Collier; however, a question arises concerning credit for aviation's first electric starter given to a Collier flying boat, on 4/15/14. SEE Chronology
1937: (William S) Collier Aircraft Sales, Tulsa OK. 1940: Collier Aircraft Co, Wichita KS (occupying the old Swallow factory). 1942: Ended operations.
Ambassador Trainer 1937 = 1pOB; 125hp Menasco C-4; span: 28'1" length: 22'3". POP: 1 prototype of CA-1 [X17610]. Some reported early construction of "a number of planes" at Wilcox Airport, Verdigris OK, with no specs or info.
Collier CA-1 Ambassador [X17610]

CA-1 Ambassador 1940 = 2p modification of the following; length: 30'9" load: 750 v: 133/125/47. POP: 1 [NX109E] c/n 3, registered to E H Wilcox of Tulsa.
Collier T-21-1 [109E] (Tulsa Air & Space Museum)

T-21-1 1930 = 2pOB with Siemens. [109E] c/n 3 (registered to H F Wilcox Tulsa OK). SEE ALSO Wilcox.
DeWitt Collins, Winthrop IA.
Special c.1927 = 3pOB assembled and modified, unknown to what extent, from Curtisses JN-4C and -4D; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 32'0" length: 27'3". POP: 2 [1726, 1745], the latter rebuilt and reregistered from (to?) [2853]. Sold to Midwest Airways Corp (John H Livingston), Waterloo IA 3/26/29, then to Paul Brown (Waterloo) 7/1/29, who wrote to CAA: "No motor in ship, in bad shape." Reg cancelled 9/10/29. Sold to W L Dumire (Waterloo) 9/8/30, who notified CAA that he was going to dismantle the plane and sell the partsreportedly Dumire built an unlicensed 1pOM in Aug 1932, perhaps with Collins parts? No info on [1726].
Collins Radio Co, Marine Lab, Cedar Rapids IL.
Collins X-112 (1960 Flying)

Aerodyne 1960 = Unmanned, non-jet, wingless experiment in deflected airstream technology wherein air was sucked into a frontal orofice and exhausted from a rear vent; two 250hp Lycomings powered the fan. Dr Alexander Lippisch. POP: 1 brought to wind tunnel stage only and tethered flight.
Collins X-112 [N5961V] (1967 Sig Air-Modeler via James Van Nice)

X-112 Aerofoil Boat 1963 = 2pOlwMF; 25hp drone motor; span: 14'0" length: 25'0" load: 340#. Dr Alexander Lippisch, et al. Tandem-cockpit fuselage with reverse-delta wings with floats at the tips; T-tail, but no conventional stabilizer. Flight, as such, was from ground effect and successful, shallow flights were made from a lake. POP: 1 [N5961V].
Collins Aero, Chadds Ford PA.
Collins W-7 [N25WC] (magazine clip)

W-7 Dipper 1982 = 2pChwMAm rg; 180hp Lycoming O-360; span: 33'4" length: 25'4" load: 700# v: 150/115/52 range: 575; ff: 8/24/82 [N25WC]. Reportedly used the hull from 1948 Aqua II (qv)would the registration's "WC" stand for "Wardle-Collins"?
1946: Colonial Aircraft Corp (fdr: David B Thurston), Huntington Station, Long Island NY. 1955: Moved to Sanford ME (pres: Herbert Lindblad). 1959: Acquired by Lake Aircraft Corp.
XC-1 Skimmer 1948 = 2-3pCmwMAm rg; 115hp Lycoming O-235 pusher, replaced by 125hp O-290; span: 34'0" length: 23'6" load: 650# range: 700; ff: 7/17/48. D B Thurston. Pylon-mounted engine pod amidships; nose wheel partially retracted into bow to also serve as a bumper for docking. POP: 1 prototype [N6595K] s/n 1.
Colonial C-1 [N264B] (Paul Matt coll via Drina Welch Abel coll)

C-1 Skimmer 1956 (TC 1A13) = 2-3pCmwMAm; 150hp Lycoming O-320 pusher. Similar to prototype but gear retracted into wing, and load: 700#. $15,750; POP: 22, of which 2 converted to C-2. TC issued Sep 1955.
Colonial Skimmer IV [N255B] (company brochure)

C-2 Skimmer IV aka Tach IV 1957 (TC 1A13) = 4pCmwMAm; 180hp Lycoming O-360-A1A pusher; load: 825# v: x/130/52 range: 500. All-metal construction. $21,895, $24,895 (1958); POP: 20. Production ended 1959, and TC sold to Lake Aircraft Corp, Sanford ME, in Oct 1959 with Colonial contracted to build Lake LA-4s.
Columbia Air Liners Inc (fdr: Charles A Levine), Hempstead (Valley Stream) NY. Seen as a division of Grumman during WW2, but if this was fact, substantation was not found. 1946: Acquired by Commonwealth Aircraft Corp.
1929 = 1pOhwM; 40hp Salmson. Displayed at 1929 New York Aviation Show. [X10007] c/n 1.
Columbia Triad [X307E] (Lesley Forden coll)

CAL-1 Triad 1929 = 6pChwMAm; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 49'0"
length: 33'0" load: 1000# v: 130 range: 550. Lee Worley. An amphibian converted to a landplane by detachable hull, or to full seaplane by removal of the wheels. Overhead control column. POP: 2, [X306E] c/n 102 and [X307E] c/n 103; the last one refitted with 300hp Wright J-6 (aka Columbia J-6, perhaps for modifications by the company). Both were destroyed in a hangar fire on 1/19/31. Registers also show a [X375N] c/n 3 as a Triad, but without data or explanation of its presence.
Columbia J2F-6 [36967] (William T Larkins)

J2F 1941 = Licensed wartime production of Grumman J2F-6 (qv). Production total uncertain as it might have been considered part of Grumman's.
Columbia XJL-1 (Dan Shumaker coll)

JL 1946 = 2pChwAm; 1200hp Wright R-1820; span: 50'0" length: 45'11" v: 174/103/x range: 2070; ff: 10/25/46. Designed as replacement for J2F. POP: 2 prototypes as XJL-1 [31399/31400]; surplused 1959 into civil registry as [N54207=N48RW] and [N54205] respectively. The first crashed on 3/12/97 and is being restored in California (2006), the second is at Pima Air Museum.
Uncle Sam 1929 = ChwM; 450hp Packard 2A; span: 60'0"; v: 125. Edmund Chagniard, Alexander Kartveli (P-47 designer), Armand Thiebolt (PT-19 designer). POP: 1 prototype for planned 50p transoceanic transport [X305E] c/n 101; ff: 4/18/29 (p: Roger Q Williams). All-metal; cantilever wing; radiator built into landing gear. Test-flown into 1930, but production of the plane, seriously underpowered, was cancelled. Reportedly costing $250,000 to build, it was auctioned 1/19/31, for only $750, but destroyed in hangar fire two weeks later.
Columbia BY-1 SEE Brown-Young BY-1
Columbus Skylark SEE Frame Special
Combs Aircraft Corp, Combs Field, Denver CO.
1939 = 2pClwM rg; 75hp Continental A-75; v: x/125/x. [NX32405].
Mar 1928: Arkansas Aircraft Co, Little Rock AR; to build Heinkel designs under license. Nov 1928: Command-Aire Inc, Little Rock AR. 1930: Bankruptcy. 1931: Ended operations.
Command-Aire 3C3 [NC478E] (Boardman C Reed)

3C3 1928 (ATC 53, 2-201) = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 31'6" length: 24'6" load: 790# v: 100/85/36 range: 440. Albert Voellmecke, from Arkansas CX-3. $3,350. POP: 116. Prototype [X3790] had four ailerons, others had two.
Command-Aire 3C3-A

3C3-A 1929 (ATC 118, 2-137) = 3pOB; 110hp Warner Scarab; length: 24'10" load: 815# v: 105/92/35 range: 520. $4,675-5,600; POP: 20. (2-137) for one float conversion [NC916E].
Command-Aire 3C3-AT [525E] (Joseph Juptner coll)

3C3-AT 1929 (ATC 151) = 2p 3C3-A trainer; length: 24'8" load: 700# v: 110/92/35 range: 450. $5,500; POP: about 6.
Command-Aire 3C3-B (Joseph Juptner coll)

3C3-B 1929 (ATC 120, 2-440) = 3pOB; 105hp Siemens-Halske SH-12; length: 24'7" load: 808# v: 106/92/36 range: 500+. $5,500; POP: 5 [C516E, C610E/612E, C958E], the first of which might have been modified from 3C3 with a new c/n 104. The last one was converted to 3C3-BT.
3C3-BT 1929 (ATC 209) = 3pOB; 113hp Siemens-Halske SH-14; length: 24'7" load: 682# v: 110/92/38 range: 500+. Basic trainer version. $5,600; POP: 3 [NC906E, NC952E, NC958E]. In late 1929 a facility was established in Santiago, Chile, to fulfill a government contract there for 36 army trainers, but production details are unknown.
3C3-T 1929 (ATC 150) = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; length: 24'6" load: 700# v: 100/85/35 range: 450. $3,350; POP: 30.
4C3 1929 = 3pOB; 120hp Walter NZ; span: 31'6" length: 24'7". POP: 1 [X70E] c/n W-51.
Command-Aire 5C3 [NC939E] (Frank Rezich coll)

5C3 1929 (ATC 184, 2-251) = 3pOB; 170-185hp Curtiss Challenger; span: 31'6" length: 24'5" load: 883# v: 123/103/37 range: 500. $6,325; $5,950 in 1930; POP: 35. (2-251) for 185hp Curtiss Challenger.
Command-Aire 5C3-A [607] (Joseph Juptner coll)

5C3-A 1929 (ATC 185) = 3pOB; 180hp Hisso E; length: 24'6" load: 913# v: 115/98/42 range: 400. $4,000±; POP: 3 [C607, C913E, C919E].
5C3-B 1929 (214 2-249) = 3pOB; 150hp Axelson (Floco) A; length: 24'9" load: 869# v: 115/98/40 range: 600. $5,250; POP: 4 [NC608, NC948E, NC973E], with (2-249) for a weight modification on [NC10457]. [NC608] might well be [NC608E], modified from 3C3A.
Command-Aire 5C3-C (Dan Shumaker)

5C3-C 1929 (ATC 233, 2-117) = 3pOB; 165hp Wright J-6; length: 24'6". Performance similar to 5C3. $7,000; $6,025 in 1930; POP: 5 [NC972E, NC974E, NC977E/978E]; (2-117) for prototype [NC932E]. Some converted as ag dusters.
BS-14 1930 (ATC 2-204) = 2pOB; 110hp Warner Scarab. POP: 1 aerobatic trainer [X286V] using 5C3 wings.
BS-15 1930 = 2pOB; 210hp Lycoming. POP: 1 aerobatic trainer [337V].
Cotton Duster 1930 = 5C3 as 1p cropduster with 170hp Curtiss Challenger; span: 31'6" length: 24'1" load: 1015# v: 130/113/39 range: 520. POP: 17.
Command-Aire MR-1 [10403]

MR-1 1930 = 1pOlwM; 110hp Cirrus Mark III; span: 23'0" length: 18'9". Racer Little Rocket(p: Lee Gehlbach) [10403], winner of 1930 Cirrus Derby.
1988: Commander Aircraft Co, 7200 NW 63 St, Bethany OK, on acquisition of rights from Gulfstream. 19??: Div of Aviation General Inc. 2003: Filed for bankruptcy.
112 1988 (TC A12SO) = Continuation of Rockwell Commander 112.
114 (TC A12SO) - 4pClwM rg.
114-A 1989 = No data.
114-B c.1990 =260hp Lycoming IO-540-T4B5; span: 32'9" length: 24'11" load: 1206# v: 189/184/65 range: 725.
114-TC 1995 = Turbocharged version of <1114-b.
Commander 115 [N115CE] (Commander Aircraft Co)

115 1990 = 4pClwM rg; 260hp Lycomng IO-540-T4B5; load: 1158# v: 189/178/62 range: 1081 ceiling: 16,800'. Claimed more than 2,000 engineering/design changes from the original design. $515,000.
115AT = Trainer version.
115TC = 270hp turbocharged TIO-540-AG1A; load: 1152# v: x/215/x ceiling: 25,000'.
1929: Commercial Aircraft Corp, Metropolitan Airport, Van Nuys CA; Portland OR. Possible acquisition of United Aircraft Corp (Wichita KS) holdings. 1931: American Sunbeam Aircraft Ltd, Santa Monica CA.
Commercial C-1 Trout & Smith [X564M] (Aviation)
Commercial C-1 [X137E] (Douglas Rolfe coll)

Sunbeam C-1 aka 102 1929 = 6pO/CB; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 34'0" length: 27'0" (?>22'6") load: 1900# v: 125/110/46 range: 500. Four seats in cabin; one passenger shared an outside cockpit with the pilot. $13,500; POP: 4 or 5. One model, streamlined, and refitted with 300hp Wright J-6, was used for record endurance flights in 1929 (p: Elinor Smith, Bobbi Trout) and 1931 (p: Edna Mae Cooper, Trout) [X564M] c/n 4. This plane and one other, [191N] c/n 5, were registered as Sunbeam 102, but why the change in model designations is not known.
Commercial C-2 [X15507] (Vern St John via Ralph Nortell coll)
Commercial C-2 [X15507]

Sunbeam C-2 c.1930 = 3pChwM; 120hp Martin 333. POP: 1 [X15507].
Sunbeam Pup LP-1 1931 = 1pOhwM; 45hp Szekely SR-3. Aeronca-style lightplane. Production to American Sunbeam under (2-334).
1943: Commonwealth Aircraft Co, Kansas City KS, reorganized from Rearwin Co to build assault gliders. 1949: Valley Stream NY.
Commonwealth 185 [NC92901] (Edward J Young coll)

185 Skyranger 1945 (ATC 729) = 2pChwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 34'0" length: 21'9" load: 540# v: 115/103/48 range: 430. Essentially a Rearwin Skyranger featuring wing slots and "virtual non-spinning" properties. $2,250-2,500; POP: 275. Despite initial success, company soon curtailed production because of post-war slump.
Commonwealth C-170 [NX41853] (Edward J Young coll)

C-170 Trimmer 1947 = 3pChwMAm; two 85hp Continental C-85; span: 35'8" length: 24'9" v: 135/118/45 range: 600. Gilbert Trimmer, adapted from his Trimmer Trimcraft. $5,975; POP: 2 [NX41853, NC/N41999], the first reportedly was destroyed in static testing.
Commuter Aircraft Corp, Youngstown OH.
CAC-100 1981 = Planned 60p four-engined commuterliner. Not built.
Compcop Inc (pres: Stephen Geraghty), Redwood City CA.
Boon Junior 1970 = 1pCH; 97hp VW; rotor: 22'0" length: 18'0" load: 356# v: 85/70/0 range: 210 ceiling: 12,000'. Developed from 1958 design by Art Weilage. POP: 1.
Composite SEE Windecker
Rollo L Compton, San Antonio TX.
Special 1930 = 3pOB; 180hp Hisso E. Could be a reworked Standard. [11969], c/n SA-1sub; reg cancelled 7/26/34.
David Comstock, Roundup MT.
1932 = 1pOhwM; 60hp LeBlond. Apparently a kit-built Pietenpol Scout [12724] c/n 1. Historian John M Jarratt reports its existence, in storage at this date (2005).
Clifford Condit, Partridge IL.
Experimental 1928 = Unknown type with Henderson engine [375]. SEE ALSO Conquist.
Condry & Stephen
(?) Condry & (Lawrence) Stephen, San Jose CA.
Condry Solo Sportster [12729] (Boardman C Reed coll)

Solo Sportster 1932 = 1pOM; 60hp Velie. POP: 1 [12729], regstered as Condry Solo Sportster.
Con Ellingston
Con D Ellingston & Earl E Hansen, Great Falls MT.
Con Ellingston Special [19955]

Special 1938 = 1pOlwM rg; 90hp LeBlond 7D; span: (retracted) 25'0" (extended) 32'0"; ff: 4/23/38 (p: E E Hansen). Telescoping wings gave two top speeds of 170 (32') and 110. POP: 1, originally registered as Barkhoff Retractable Wing, with no explanation [NX19955].
Clifford Condit & Gus Palmquist, Milwaukee WI.
1934 = 2pChwM; 125hp Warner Scarab. Smaller copy of Bellanca Pacemaker as a creation of Bellanca dealers Condit and Palmquist [562W].
Daytona Beach FL..
One c.1990 = Homebuilt, no data found [N60RC]. Crashed after take-off 1/14/90 from fuel starvation caused bu a mud dauber wasp nest in the fuel vent.
Ronald Conrad, Earl Player, Jack Buttons, Salt Lake City UT.
Conrad Bumblebee [N58P] (clip EAA Experimenter)

Bumblebee c.1950 = 1pCB; 100hp Franklin; span: 17'6" length: 19'0" v: x/120/x. Tricycle gear with nose wheel cut down from a Culver PQ-14 and mains from an Aeronca Chief; fuselage cut down from a Piper J-3; all-metal top wing modified from a Luscombe 8, lower wing scratch-built. Built in three years for $500. [N58P]. Reported also with 65hp Continental somewhere in its life.
Roland Conrad, Salt Lake UT.
Conrad Special [N447T] (Ólafur Sigurdsson coll)

Special c.1940 = 1pOB;. Piper J-3 fuselage, upper wing from Luscombe, tricycle gear from Aeronca. SEE also Bumblbee.
1965: (Jack) Conroy Aircraft Co, Goleta CA, on sale of Aero Spacelines to Unexcelled Inc.
AJ-1 19?? (TC AR-34) = Conversion of North American AJ-1.
Conroy CL-44-D [N447T] (Ólafur Sigurdsson coll)
Conroy CL-44-D [N447T] (Johan Visschedijk coll)

CL-44-D Guppy aka Skymonster (originally Conroy 103) 1968 = Conversion of Canadair CL-44D4 freighter; ff: 11/26/69. Also dubbed by Conroy as CL-44-O for "Oversize." POP: 1 [N447T].

Originally a CL-44D4-2 delivered to Flying Tiger Line 8/16/61, sold to Conroy 12/12/68, who converted it into the first of the huge "Guppy" fuselage transporters as Conroy 103 (CL-44-O). Physical conversion enlarged the aft-hinged cargo compartment to 91'0" long, 14'9" wide, 11'5" high. Retaining the original four 5730hp R-R Tyne turboprops of the CL-44, it could haul 62,500# at a cruise of 325mph over a 4,000-mile range. On 7/8/70 it was leased to Transmeridian Air Cargo and named "Skymonster," later "Bahamas Trader," and it has also been nicknamed "Swing-Tail Guppy." Subsequent operators: Heavyweight Intl (renamed British Cargo Airlines in 1979) 12/1/78; stored 3/14/80-8/1/82; Heavylift Cargo Airlines [EI-BND] 12/29/93; Buffalo Airways 8/1/97; Azerbaijan Airlines [4K-GUP] 4/23/98; Baku Express 8/8/98; First Intl Airlines [9G-LCA] 8/3/99; stored at Smyrna TN (USA), later at Bournemouth UK with intent of scrapping; registered in the Philippines [RP-C-8023] 12/x/06, but last known still grounded in the UK. ( Johan Visschedijk 10/31/07)
Stolifter 1968 = Single-engine conversion of Cessna 337 with 575hp Garrett AiResearch TPE-331 turboprop; load: 2100# v: x/240/44 ceiling: 40,000'; ff: 11/7/68. POP: 1 [N1414C].
Super Guppy SEE Aero Spacelines.
Turbo Albatross 1970 = Turboprop conversion of Grumman HU-16 with two 1740hp Rolls-Royce Dart Mk 510; v: x/170/90 range: 1,880
ceiling: 25,000'; ff: 2/25/70. POP: 1 [N16CA].
Turbo Three 1969 = Turboprop conversion of Douglas DC-3 with two 1740hp Rolls-Royce Dart Mk 510; ff: 5/13/70. POP: 1 [N4700C].
Consolidated, Consolidated-Vultee
Consolidated Aircraft Corp
Consolidated Aircraft Corp as a holding group.
(Data: March 1930)
Fleet Aircraft Corp
Frontier Enterprise Inc
Kinner Aeroplane & Motor Co (partial control)
National Flying School Inc
Niagara from tbe Air Inc
Thomas-Morse Co
Contender Aircraft Co, Sunnyvale CA..
No data found for Models 202, 303, or 606. Rebuilds or mods of Martins?
Continental Aircraft & Transportation Corp (pres: Fred Leinweber), Phoenix AZ.
1910 (?>1915) = OB. No data.
1912: Continental Aircraft Corp (pres: Hugh Copeland), Amityville NY.
Christmas Bullet SEE Christmas.
Continental KB-1 (Drina Welch Abel coll)

KB-1 Military Biplane 1916 = 2pOB; 135hp Hall-Scott A-5A pusher; spoan: 36'0" length: 22'0" load: 1100# v: 95/72/55 range: 280. Vincent J Burnelli. Quad landing gear, nacelle fuselage with twin booms. Gross wt: 2600#.

This was Burnelli's second machine to be completed and actually flown. Well engineered for its day with steel-tube tail booms, monocoque nacelle, engine interchangeability, safety fuel system, and crank-started engine. ( Carl Stuby 2/16/00)
KB-3 1917 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Vincent J Burnelli. Trainer, similar to Curtiss JN-4, for military acceptance trials. POP: 1 prototype; an unknown number reportedly were built for the military, but no s/n records were found.
KB-3T 1920 = 2pOB; 90hp OX-5; span: 40'3" length: 23'4" load: 540# v: 73/x/45 range: 250. Also seen as Burnelli-Continental.
Continental Motors, Muskegon and Detroit MI.
1924 = 6pOBF; 400hp Liberty 12; span: 48'0" length: 33'6". Harold Kantner. Built by Consolidated in their plant for use as "a transport for company officials and their guests" by Curtiss Co workmen (which explains an occasional listing as "Consolidated-Curtiss") [NC2194]. Reported as subsequently sold to one of the workers, and its path fades; reg cancelled 3/30/28.
1929: Continental Aircraft Co, 704 E Douglas, Wichita KS.
1929 = No data.
Continental Aviation Corp (fdrs: M W Giddings and E R Willard), Boeing Field, Seattle WA. 6/26/31: company into receivership.
3000 1930 = 3pCM; Warner. No data. [X388W] c/n 3001. Experimental license issued 11/25/30, cancelled 2/8/33.
Continental SEE Gregor
Continental Airphibian SEE Fulton
Continental Copters
Continental Copters Inc (pres: John L Scott), Fort Worth TX.
El Tomcat 1959 = 1p crop-sprayer version of Bell 47G with 200-265hp Franklin 6V4. Succeeding models as Mark II to VI with various engines and modifications.
JC-1 Jet-Cat 19?? = 1p crop-sprayer version of Bell JetRanger.
Convertawings Inc, Long Island NY.
Quadrotor A (Jos Heyman coll)

Quadrotor A 1956 = 1pOH; two opposed combustion engines. David H Kaplan. As the name hints, this machine had four rotors, one in each corner. A larger version with four engines and room for 40 passengers, Quadrotor F, was projected, possibly not built.
Leon M Cook, Pampa TX.
-Shifflet 1929, 1935 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [13982] c/n 0035.

Cook stated that parts for a 1935 rebuild were purchased from Ray Shifflet (Mangum OK), explaining the hyphenated name and c/n, as original parts were built by Spartan Co people and there was no c/n at first. Sold 2/11/36, reg cancelled 3/15/39. ( John M Jarratt 10/9/05)
Levere S Cook, Healdsburg CA.
Sport 1931 = 1pOM; 45hp Anzani. [12711].
1968: (John) Cook Aircraft Corp, Torrance CA.
JC-1 Challenger 1969 = 4pClwM; 150hp Lycoming O-320E; span: 27'5"
length: 20'4" load: 1000# v: 150/135/50 range: 700; ff: 5/x/69. POP: 2 prototypes [N21CA, N72CA], both of which crashed 4/6/71 and 1/6/72, the latter killing designer Cook, who was testing spin recovery. A modified third [N123CA] was built in Nov 1972; J G Parker.
Weldon B Cooke, Pittsburg CA. 1913: Sandusky OH.
1912 Cooke #1

1912 (Pittsburg) = 1pOB; 75hp Roberts pusher. Sometimes confused with Black Diamond, which he flew in exhibitions, this was Cooke's first actual construction, built at Land & Maupin's shipyard. During its construction, he purchased the 1911 Wiseman to fly, also often mistakenly identified as Cooke's design. SEE Wiseman-Cooke.
A Cooke flying boat (WASM coll)

1912 = 1pOBF; 75hp Roberts pusher. Entry in 1913 Great Lakes Reliability Cruise. Construction site sometimes said to be Sandusky, but it wasn't until the following year that Cooke opened his shop in Sanduskythis was where this craft was reassembled after transport by rail from California. Subsequenty Cooke built other similar flying boats, the exact number unknown, and data are equally scarce.
1913 Cooke (WASM col)

1913 = 1pOB; 75hp Roberts tractor; span: 24'0" length: 25'0". Cooke's first "modern" design.
G Carlyle Cooke, Winston-Salem NC.
1928 = Monoplane, no data found.
1930 = Unknown type, possibly a kit; Heath-Henderson. [10135].
113-G 1932 = Monoplane with no data; 40hp Szekely. [11537] c/n D-7. Dismantled & cancelled 2/7/34.
Mono 1928 = Unknown type, presumably a monoplane; 28hp Lawrance. [7632].
Sam Cooke. Location unknown.
c.1955 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental; span: 18'0" length: 18'0" v: 145/130/x. Wings from Culver Cadet. [N16K].
John F Cooley Aerial Navigation Co, Rochester NY.
Cooley (Rochester Museum & Science Center)
Cooley Cabin and 'passengers' (National Archives)
John Cooley and backer Jacob Goldenson (National Archives)

1910 = No data on this curious 2p "flying pencil" design except that it had two two-cycle Elbridge "Featherweight" motors. Propellers on the side might have been chain- or belt-driven by inboard-mounted motors. 81' long and 42' wide, the design was not only gargantuan but, to say the least, unique, and with a noticeable absence of airfoils. Construction began near the Baker's Farm area of Genesee Valley Park, where the maiden flight was to eventually take place. Cooley hustled financing from wealthy local businessmen; however, during final construction, he left town to seek additional support and never returned. His creation was impounded by creditors and the ship and its hangar were later destroyed in a windstorm.
Cooley & Stroben
Cooley & Stroben, Woodlake CA.
A 1929 = Monoplane; no data. [X960E].
Thomas A Cooney, Indianapolis IN.
R-3 1971 = 1pClwM midget racer; 100hp Continental O-200. Gross wt: 900#. POP: 1 [N91TC].
Tom Cat 1964 = 1pClwM midget racer. POP: 1 [N311X].
Harold D Coonley, Miami FL.
1948 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 19'0" (?>18'6") length: 18'7" (?>18'10") v: 135.46 (in racing). Plywood-covered midget racer Little Toot [N10E], crashed on cross-country flight in 1949 (?>9/x/49).
John D Cooper Aeroplane Co, Bridgeport CT (Smithsonian records say Bridgeton MO).
Cooper 1/19/17 Aero Exhibition (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)
Cooper 3-view (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)

Training Tractor 1916 = 1pOB or OBF; 70hp 5-cyl Frederickson; span: (upper) 33'0" (lower) 22'0" load: 300# v: 35-45. Empty wt (with 9' floats): 500#. Design based on French Caudron. Wings had flexible ribs, spaced 12", that allowed a high incidence angle on starting, then flattened out at speed; twin tail floats. Cooper was a foreman at Curtiss' Hammondsport shop who was brought to North Island CA for the Spring 1911 flying season.
J B Cooper, Bridgeton MO.
S-A-1 19?? = no data.
Harry Depew Copland, Detroit MI.
1911 = Biplane, no data.
ALSO SEE Ace, Baby Ace, EAA
1929 (?>1923): Ace Aircraft Mfg (pres: Orland G Corben), 800 E Lincoln, later 1026 S Santa Fe, Wichita KS. 1930: Corben Sport Plane & Supply Co, Peru IN and Madison WI. 1931: Ace Airplanes, West Bend WI. 1953: Company assets and rights acquired by EAA. 1961: Assests and right sold to Edwin T Jacobs, McFarland WI, who continued the line of plans and kits. 1965: Acquired by Ace Aircraft Mfg Co, Asheville NC, who also owned rights to Americal Flea and Heath Parasol.
6-S SEE Junior Ace.
7-AD 19?? = no data.
Corben Baby Ace (1929 Aero Digest)

Ace, Baby Ace 1929 = 1pC/OhwM; 50hp Continental A-50; span: 25'9" length: 18'0" (?>17'5") load: 300# v: 95/80/30. O G "Ace" Corben. One of the first popular home-builder's lightplane, available in kit or plan version, accepted motors up to 85hp. $1,175; $375 unassembled, less motor; POP: uncertain number of factory-builtsmore than 5but the kit was still being advertised into the 1960s, of which many hundreds had been built. Prototype for Super Ace, with Szekely in 1931 [X462W] c/n 1.
B 19?? = no data.
C 19?? = no data.
Cabin Ace 19?? = no data.
Junior Ace, 6-S 1930 (ATC 2-515) = 2pOhwM; 50hp Continental A-50; span: 34'0" length: 20'0" load: 400# v: 90/75/28. $1,375; $549 unassembled, less motor. (2-515) for 40hp Salmson AD-9 in 1935.
Super Ace 1935 = 2pOhwM; 40-50hp Ford A/B; span: 27'4"-25'0" length: 18'4" load: 260 v: 100/85/32. Take-off run: 200'. Kits for home-builders.
R Stanley Corcoran Co, New Lenox IL.
1970 = 1pOB; 20hp Sachs-Wankel pusher, later Kawasaki 436cc; span: 30'0"; ff: 6/x/70. All metal. POP: 1 [N11RC].
65-1 1967 = 1pCB; two 8hp West Bend pusher; span: 26'2" length: 18'5" v: 100/66/x range: 140. POP: 1 [N7558U].
Cord (Cord-Vultee)
1929: Corman Aircraft Co, Dayton OH. 1933: Aircraft Development Div, (Erret L) Cord Mfg Co, Glendale CA.
V-1 1933 = 9pClwM rg; 700hp Wright Cyclone; span: 50'0" length: 37'0". Gerard Vultee. POP: 1, backed by auto manufacturer Cord and built in his hangar [NX12293].
Cord Corporation
1929: Cord Corp as a holding group.
(Data: March 1930)
Auburn Automobile Co
Central Manufacturing Co
Columbia Axle Co
Corman Aircraft Corp
Duesenberg Inc
Limousine Body Corp
Lycoming Manufacturing Co
Stinson Aircraft Corp
Harry Cordy, Los Angeles CA.
Cordy (1931 A&P Wirephoto)
Cordy (1932 Modern Mechanix via modernmechanix.com)

1932 = Quoting the Wirephoto caption: "Gordy, Inventor, is about to introduce into the aviation world a model of his invention of a new type airplane. This airplane of helicopter type is characterized by a new form of propeller which will produce a superior degree of lift & thus effect a true vertical take-off. Also a fusilage [sic], stabilizers & wings that operate separately, together, or in conjunction with the helicopter propeller. This plane is designed to utilize air pressure created durind [sic] descent to retard it so as to permit a vertical landing at a very slow speed. Photo shows top View of plane & the 2 helicopter propellers that make it outstanding to other Planes." Further adventures of the Cordy were not found.
Corman (Erret L Cord & Lucius B Manning) Aircraft Co, Dayton OH.
Corman 3000 (John W Underwood coll)

3000, 6000 1929 (ATC 2-140) = 8pChwM; three 220hp Wright J-5. Horace Weihmiller. POP: 3 [X2275] c/n 1 (as Weihmiller 3000), [817M] c/n 2, [X881N] c/n 6010. Became Stinson SM-6000.
1930: (George Wilbur) Cornelius Aircraft Co, Glendale CA, c.1935: Van Nuys CA, c.1940: Dayton OH. 1941: Cornelius-Hoepli Co.
FG SEE Mallard.
Cornelius Fre-Wing [X182W] (Vincent J Berinati coll)

Fre-Wing 1931 = 1pOhwM; 125hp Menasco B-4; span: 30'6" length:
20'6" v: 110/95/x. C C Spangenberger, G W Cornelius. This is how it was registered, but spelling is sometimes seen as Freewing [X182W]. Trailing ailerons; variable-incidence parasol wing panels hinged at the center section. Design was briefly revived in early 1941 by Cornelius-Hoepli with 130hp Franklin.
Cornelius LW-1 [X13706] (Frank Rezich coll)

LW-1 1933 = 2pOlwM; 120hp Martin 333; v: 147/125/45. An improved version of Fre-Wing, this one without ailerons, as individually-controllable wings were used in this role [X13706].
Cornelius Mallard [NX34212] (magazine clip)
Cornelius XFG-1 Fueling glider [44-28060] (William T Larkins)

Mallard aka Flying Wing 1941 = 2pClwM; 165hp Menasco B-6. Tailless, forward-swept, variable-incidence-wing experiment from Cornelius-designed powered glider; span: 54'0". Coupe-type cabin enclosure with side-by-side seating. POP: 1 [NX34212]. Tested and flown successfully in 19 flights by Rumanian aerobatic star, Col Alexander Papana. Design, considerably modified, went to AAF as two 1p all-wood, unpowered XFG-1 (Fueling Glider) prototypes in 1945 [44-28059/28060] as experimental flying gas tanks delivering 764 gallons of fuel by a towed glider, but the project was cancelled by the Armistice. All three planes were constructed by Spartan Aircraft Corp at Tulsa OK. While the photo goes against AeroFiles' policy of not featuring unpowered aircraft, XFG-1 is an unique variation, and it also helps clarify some confusion over the military's re-use of FG from the Eberhardt XFG-1 experimental fighter design in 1927.
Joseph Coser & John Oonk, St Louis MO.
CO-2 Our Lady 1959 = 1pC/OlwM; 75hp Continental A-75; span: 19'6" length: 18'0" load: 360# v: 125/110/65 range: 275; ff: 9/14/59. All-metal but fabric-covered wings; later fitted with sliding canopy. [N1106].
Cosmic Aircraft Corp, Bridgeport CT.
CC-1 1929 = 3pCswB; 110hp Warner. Entry in Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Co Competition at Mitchel Field NY featured a combination slot-flap arrangement [X363V]; reg cancelled 2/7/33.
1970: Cosmic Aircraft Corp, Norman OK, on acquisition of D D Funk Avn Co. 1975: Ended operations.
F-23A, -23B 1970 = Continuation of Funk agplane with 240hp Continental W-670 as F-23A; span: 40'6" length: 26'4" load: 2050# v: 115/95/57 range: 350 ceiling (no load): 16,500', and 275hp Jacobs R-755 as F-23B; span: 40'6" length: 27'2" load: 2020# v: 125/100/57 range: 300 ceiling (no load): 19,000'.
Cosmic Wind
Consortium, Van Nuys CA.
The Cosmic Wind family (WASM coll)

1947 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 19'6" length: 16'0". Irven Culver. POP: 4 midget racers designed and constructed by Lockheed personnel on their own time: Little Toni, Flying Frenchman (p: Tony Levier, W F Robinson) [NX67888=N20C]; Minnow (p: Herman "Fish" Salmon) [NX67889=N21C]; Ballerina (p: Vincent Ast, Robert B Downey, Glenn Fulkerson) [N22C]; Miss Cosmic Wind, built in 1949 as 1pCmwM [N36C].
Leonard Eaves, Oklahoma City OK.
c.1965 = 2pChwM; 85-150hp various; span: 20'3" length: 18'6" load: 700# v: 150/145/50 range: 400 ceiling: 15,000'. Marketed plans.
1928: Courier Monoplane Co (fdrs: L J Bailey, M J Fix), 1253 W 1st St, Wilmington CA (former International factory). 1930: Ended operations.
Courier MT-1 [NX235M] (Drina Welch Abel coll)

MT-1 (TK-100) 1930 = Trainer. 2pOhwM; 90hp Kinner K-5; span: 34'4" length: 27'10" load: 700# v: 118/95/35. Lawrence Brown; patterned after California Cub. Tandem cockpits, parasol wing. POP: 1 [NX235M] c/n 1000.
PB-1 1929 (ATC 285, 2-131) = 3pChwM; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 37'0" length: 24'6" load: 746# v: 110/90/38 range: 440. William Waterhouse, Lawrence Brown; ff: 2/12/29 (p: Jack Rand). $5,500; POP: 1 prototype [X280E] c/n 100, under (2-131), and 2 production models [NC168W, NC181N] c/n 102 and 101 respectively. Failing to get orders, company efforts went into MT-1.
Courtney Amphibian SEE Curtiss-Wright CA-1
Cove Biplane Co. Location unknown.
1911 = No data.
Joseph A Cox, 107 S Shield St, Knox IN. 1928: Starke County Aviation Club.
C (later renamed Mickey Mouse) 1938 = 1pChwM; 65hp Velie. [15768] c/n 1.
c.1920: Cox-(Alexander) Klemin Aircraft Corp, College Point NY. 1925: Bankruptcy.
1921 = 3pOB conversions of surplus Standard J-1 with 160hp Mercedes. 
Cox-Klemin CK-2A1 3-view (1927 Aircraft Year Book)
CK-1 1921 = 2pOhwMAm; two 275hp Isotta-Fraschini Asso; span: 58'10" length: 45'8" v: 117/x/50 ceiling: 11,000'. POP: 1; apparently never flew.
Cox-Klemin CK-2A [1788]
Cox-Klemin CK-2A1 3-view (1927 Aircraft Year Book)

CK-2A, CK-2B 1924 = 2pOB; 150hp Hisso A; span: (upper) 32'6" (lower) 29'10" length: 25'11". Trainer design with steel-tube fuselage, interchangeable wings. POP: 1 [1788]. Apparently found its way to Wright Field, but was never fully evaluated nor assigned an Army numberwhich makes those tail stripes enigmatic. CK-2B was for an engine change, but no data were found.
CK-3 1923 = Night Observation aircraft, no data.
CK-14 1922 = Surplus Curtiss MF boats rebuilt, modified and refitted with 180hp Hisso pusher; v: 88.
CK-18 Sea Hawk 1925 = 3pOBAm; 160hp Curtiss C-6 (but 3-view plans show a radial engine); span: 39'11" length: 28'10" v: 95/x/45. Motor was below top wing. POP: 1 [2059], sold to Richmond Airways Inc of Green Ridge NY. Little is known about this product other than its original manufacturer, according to a NASM abstract, was Naval Aircraft Factory in 1918, which puts it in the war surplus category as one of many Cox-Klemin modifications. It was refused relicensing in 1931 as having "bad aerodynamic characteristics," and was eventually parted out to various buyers.
CK-19 19?? = Amphibian, no data.
CO-1, CO-2 c.1924 = Reconnaisance. 2pOB; 470hp Napier Lion (CO-1) and 400hp Liberty 12 (CO-2); span: 42'4" length: 30'6" v: 135/x/48 (?>144). Model designations were assigned by Cox-Klemin, not the Army. POP: 1 each CO-1 and -2, tested at McCook Field as s/n P-377 and P-379 respectively and rejected. Historian Jos Heyman mentions that these also have been referred to as Cox-Heinkel and should not be confused with the Army's Engineering Division CO-1 and CO-2.
Night Hawk 1925 = Mail plane. 1pOB; 400hp Liberty 12.
TW-2 1922 = Air Service trainer. 2pOB; 180hp Wright E (several other engines also tested); span: 29'0" length: 23'9" v: 99. POP: 3.
XA-1 1923 = Ambulance. 4pO/CB; 420hp Liberty 12A; span: 44'9" length: 30'8" v: 121. Inside accommodations for two litters. POP: 2 [23-1247/1248].
XO-4 19?? = No data.
Cox-Klemin XS-1 (USN)

XS 1922 = Twin-float, submarine-based, 1p USN scout modified from TW-2; 60hp Lawrance L-4; span: 18'0" length: 18'2" v: 103. Gross wt: 974#. POP: 6 as XS-1 [A6515/6520], of which 1 converted to XS-2 [A6519], and 6 built by Martin as MS-1 [A6521/6526].
(Silas?) Coyne Helicopter Airship Co. Location unknown.
1910 = No data. A possible lighter-than-air.

This company was incorporated in the State of Washington, 1910, and located in Spokane. They originally sold Capital Stock of 2,000,000 shares (I have certificates #367 & #368). Shares were $1 each. There is a drawing of something that might be their design, although how it would fly is beyond me ... it looks like a UFO with a mast, with two huge sets of "rotors" and two smaller rotors above it. It has a propeller in the front and some sort of rudder in the back. ( Karen Blackwood 11/4/05)
Co-Z Development Co, Mesa AZ.
Cozy Mark III c.1998 = no data.
Cozy Mark IV c.1998 = 4pCmwM; 180hp Lycoming O-360 pusher; span: 28'1" length: 16'11" load: 1000# v: 220/185/80 range: 1300. Nat Puffer. Canard configuration. Kits for $14,000 less motor and instruments.
Craft Aerotech
Craft Aerotech, Missoula MT.
200 199? = 2pAg; two 52hp Rotax 503 or a single Subaru; rotor: 27'4" length: 15'0" load: 350# v: 100/90/0 range: 250. Marketed plans and kits.
200 FW 199? = 2pChwM; two 50hp Rotax 503 pusher; span: 30'6" length: 18'0" load: 500# v: 140/120/50 range: 700.
James A Crane, Ellsworth ME.
Ornithopter c.1929 = 1p ornithopter; no data except that "it rose, then broke up." Thirty years later, Crane replicated his invention, and Leonard Opdyke, publisher of Skyways, wrote: "He is presently (1959) exhibiting the thing at a dollar a crack, using an electric motor to flap the wings until he gets enough money for a gas engine. It has a 34-foot wingspan, and the whole things has an archaic attractive look to it..."
Crawford, Crawford-Colvin
1908: (Harvey J) Crawford, Puyallup WA.
Three Curtiss-type biplanes were produced in 1908, 1911 (as Crawford-Colvin Biplane), and 1913 (2pOB; 100hp Hall-Scott pusher; span: 31'0") before partnering with his brother, William, in California.
1913: (Harvey J & William F) Crawford Flying School, Sunset Field, Los Angeles CA. 1924: Crawford Airplane & Supply Co, 300 Mildred Ave, Venice CA; 1925: 350 Washington Blvd, Venice. 1927: Crawford All-Metal Airplane & Motor Manufactory, 2225 American Ave (now Long Beach Blvd), Long Beach; Seal Beach CA. Crawford Aeronautical School, Clover Field, Santa Monica CA. 1929: Crawford Airplane Co, Venice. 1932: Crawford All-Metal Airplane Co Inc, Los Angeles. 1938: Bankruptcy.
1928 - A flying armored car, patterned somewhat after the German Junkers transport, was allegedly being constructed for use by police and banks shipping valuable cargo. Fitted with bullet-proof glass and shielding around the cockpit, and armed with three machineguns, it sounded formidable enough, but reportedly only made it to the planning stage. Design ideas evolved into CLM.
Crawford A-1 [5997] (Dan Shumaker coll)
Crawford A-1 at Rogers Airport, Gardna [5221]

A-1 1928 = 2pOhwM; 80hp LeRhône rotary; span: 30'0" length: 17'9"
load: 450# v: 95/64/47 range: 500. William F Crawford. Designed especially for the amateur builder market. Steel tube fuselage. $1500 factory-built; POP: at least 16. Five appear in registers with c/n 1, and one each with c/n 138, c/n 52 [7303], and c/n 999 [497M]!. One was acquired by a a Dennis Sullivan, of Herkimer NY, who promptly registered it as a Crawford 1-DS [7983]. This is in case anyone wonders why confusion is rampant in the registers.
Crawford C-1 [X5563] (Dan Shumaker coll)

C-1 Metal Plane 1928 = 2pOhwM; 165hp Gnôme rotary; span: 34'0"
length: 24'9" load: 1800# v: 148/130/30. Harvey Crawford; ff: 8/x/28 (p: Jimmy Angel). Corrugated all-metal construction; monocoque fuselage, parasol wing with dural-tube spars. $2700. POP: 1 [X5563].
Crawford CLM [X12207] (Aviation)
Crawford CLM in flight
Crawford CLM side and front views

CLM 1931 = 6pChwM; 220hp Wright Whirlwind; span: 42'0" length: 28'0". All-metal transport based loosely on the Junkers design and its F13 cantilever wing; corrugated aluminum skin; large panted wheels. POP: 1 [X12207] c/n 65.
Commercial 1925 = 5pOB; 180hp Hisso A; span: 36'4" length: 27'9". POP: 1, sold in 1926 to Varney pilot Roy Warner. Damaged beyond repair in a crash in July 1928 [3456].
Crawford Courier #1 at Clover Field (Museum of Flight)

Courier 1925 = 2pOB; 45hp Anzani; span: 19'0" load: 350# v: 90/x/30. Takeo Watanabe, sales mgr for Crawford Co. $1500; POP: 1 [4498] c/n TW-5, registered to Crawford Co, noted as sold to Watanabe, who was honored in the c/n, which begs a question: was there a TW-1 through -4?.
Crawford Powered Glider [878N] (California Historical Society, LA CofC)

Glider 1930 = A series of 1pOhwM ultralights powered by Lawrance, Henderson, Szekely, or Velie. William Crawford. POP: 6; the first three models were undesignated [11N, 878N, 879N], the next three were identified as HW [603W], S-R-3 [604W], and V-40-S [605W], after their engines. Additionally, one other, possibly a powered glider, shows up as WFC Special [4662] c/n 1, also credited to W F Crawford.
Runabout (Seal Beach) 19?? = No data.
Special 1929 = 4pChwM; three 40hp Szekely SR-3; span: 36'0" length: 22'6" load: 1000# v: 100/75/35 range: 1000. Surely the world's smallest tri-motor. POP: 1 [X450E]; also appears in registers as [470], possibly a second model.
Sport 1925-27 = Several of Crawford's planes and rebuilt surplus ships appeared with this name, so things are hazy. The "real" one apparently was designed by Takeo Watanabe and most likely is the hyphenate appearing below.
Location unknown.
F&L-1 1935 = 2pOM; 120hp Quick. [14524].
Harvey Crawford & Takeo Watanabe, Venice CA.
Courier 1926 = Sometimes seen as this hyphenate, but is most likely the Crawford Courier above reregistered to Watanabe.
Sport aka Watanabe Sport 1927 = Likely was a larger version of Crawford Courier. 1pOB; 95hp Anzani; span: 22'0" length: 18'0". Takeo Watanabe. [3479]. There apparently was an even larger version built for an ambitious global flight, which sadly ended in a crash at Heber UT, killing its Japanese pilot referred to only as Goto.
Crescent A SEE Kendall
Crescent Monoplane SEE Chamberlin
Francis B Crocker and Peter Cooper-Hewitt.
1917 = Helicopter intended for use in WW1. Configuration was a coaxial rotor system with two wing-like blades per rotor. Was not built, but an advanced rig was built and tested in Ampere NJ in 1918rotors were 51'0" diameter, and with two 100hp electric motors a maximum lift of 4000# was achieved.
1912: (C D) Cromley Multiplane Co, Reno NV.
Multiplane 1912 = No info found about this company, incorporated on 12/14/12 in San Francisco (Cromley, Alex Logan, Dolphes B Hannah), or production of its claimed "helicopters."
Forrest E Cromwell, Wetmore KS.
A-119?? = No data.
Harry Crosby, Burbank CA.
Crosby CR-3 under development [R260Y]

CR-3 (C6R-3) 1936 = 1pOlwM; 290hp Menasco C-6; ff: 8/26/36. POP: 1 racer, competed in 1936 Nationals, and despite a broken oil breather pipe, finished sixth (v: 226) [R260Y]. Crashed a few months later, putting Crosby in the hospital for six months, where he whiled away the time designing his CR-4.
Crosby CR-4 [NX92Y] (Arthur Martin coll via via WASM)

CR-4 1938 = 1pOlwM rg; 350hp Menasco C-6 (was 290hp); span: 16'0" length: 21'6". All-metal racer for 1938-39 Nationals [NX92Y]. Oil tanks were in the leading edge of the wings for cooling. Located at a North Carolina farm c.1990, and restored for static display. Crosby claimed his racer made more money from its appearance in the 1939 film, "Tail Spin," than it did from racing!
1929: (Powel) Crosley Aircraft Mfg Div, Crosley Radio & Electronics Co, Sharonville OH. 1929: Acquired Ancor (International Aircraft).
Crosley Flea and Ed Niermeier [X15749]
Crosley Flea at NASM

Flea 1934 = American Flea with 32hp ABC Scorpion. Built for Powel Crosley as La Cucaracha by Edward Niermier. POP: 1, sold to an insurance adjuster after rescue from a hangar fire in 1939, stored and forgotten [X15749]. Located in 1956 and donated to NASM, where it languished for 25 more years, then was turned over to EAA in 1987 for restoration.
Crosley C-1 and Powel Crosley [X642E] (Michael Banks coll)

Moonbeam C-1 1929 = 3pOhwM; 110hp Warner Scarab; span: 40'0" length: 26'0" v: x/65/35. Harold Hoekstra; design based on four prototypes built 1922-23. Parasol wing. POP: 1 [X642E] c/n 1; lost in the 1939 hangar fire along with C-2 and C-3 [X146N]. Designer Hoekstra, still alive in mid-2004 at age 101, stated that the original Moonbeam design began as a class project at Ann Arbor MI.
Crosley C-2 [X10M] (John W Underwood coll)

Moonbeam C-2 1929 = 4pChwM; 165hp Wright J-6. POP: 1; ff: 8/9/29 [X10M] c/n 2.
Crosley C-3 [X147N]

Moonbeam C-3 1929 = 2pOB; 90hp Crosley Cobra 300; span: 29'0"; ff: 12/8/29. POP: 2; one refitted with 110hp Warner Scarab [X146N] c/n 3, and one with 125hp Menasco C-4 [X147N] c/n 4. The former was lost in the 1939 fire, the latter went to an air museum in Lexington KY.
Moonbeam C-4 1930 = 1pOhwM; 38hp ABC Scorpion. Folding outer wing panels; overhead control sticks. POP: 1; ff: 5/28/30 [X9679] c/n 5; disposition unknown.
Crosley Power Glider (clip: 1930 Crosley Broadcaster)

Power Glider (Cincinnati OH) 1930 = Single-place glider with an open-frame fuselage and a two-cylinder engine. Top speed was 75 mph. ( Michael Banks 7/17/04)
(Dr Walter M) Cross-(Jack E) Foster Aircraft Corp, Kansas City MO.
Cross-Foster CF-1 [X401V] (Tom Heitzman coll)

CF-1 1931 = 2pOlwM; 110hp Warner Scarab. Jack Foster. All-metal construction, side-by-side cockpit. POP: 1 [X401V] c/n 1. Incredibly overweight, it barely flew, and was soon scrapped. A plane appears in 1929 as Burke Model 1 (qv) built by Burke Aircraft, Chicago IL, with a radial "Cross converted motor," but no mention of any alliance with Cross-Foster.
Aviation Construction Engr Co, Chicago IL.
Ace 1928 = 3pCM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [276E].
1931: (R J Goodman) Crouch-(Harold) Bolas, 21 Campbell St, Pawtucket RI.
Crouch-Bolas Dragonfly [X13262] (Vincent J Berinati coll)
Crouch-Bolas Dragonfly [X13262] (Frank Rezich coll)

Dragonfly 1934 = 2pCB; two 90hp Crouch-Bolas Dragon. William E Hunt, concept engr (design influenced by Dr A Zahm's 1917 patent for a five-wing, tri-motor, semi-hovering aircraft design). Counter-rotating 9' props, twin tails; controlled airflow, slots and full flaps gave STOL operations. Gross wt: 1800#. Repowered with 125hp Menascos, which only developed 90hp because of its prop size [NX13262]. Far ahead of its time, the plane used STOL technologies that were only recently beginning to be understood. It could take-off and land in 30' (that's not a typo!), and observers described how, while flying as slow as 16 mph, the plane was able to go up and down at 50-70° angles. While very successful in its performance, there was a lack of visionary financiers who would realize they were looking at "the plane of tomorow." Hunt revived his patent #2,650,045 on 8/25/53 when contracted by Fairchild to help develop their M-232 project (qv).
No principals or location.
Special c.1970 = 1pChwM; 65hp Continental A-65. [N225A].
1928: Merger of Crown Motor Carriage Co and Southern Calif Airways, 2500 McPherson St, Los Angeles CA.
Crown Custombuilt B-3 [NC12236] (Paul Matt coll via Avn Heritage)

Custombuilt B-3 1929 (ATC 199, 2-61) = 2pOB; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 28'0" length: 21'6" load: 700# v: 112/100/35 range: 450. Developed from the original Kinner Airster, and built under an exclusive license. $5,250; POP: 4 [X/NC497E, 7590, NC865E, NC12236]. (2-61) superseded by (199).
(W G) Dunn Mfg Co, Clarinda IA.
1929 = 3pChwM; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 37'0" length: 24'1" load: 710# v: 95/85/37 range: 400. Harold L White; ff: 9/19/29 (p: Jack Beightman). $4,650; POP: 1, sold to Southern Iowa Airways [616]. A 2p version with dual controls for student training was under construction, but never finished, when the company shut down operations for financial reasons.
Crumley Multiplane Co. Location unknown.
1912 = No data. SEE Multiplane entry.
Thomas Charles Crump, Grand Rapids MI.
Low-wing 1933 = 1pOlwM; 10hp Crump. [13516].
Crusader SEE American Gyro
"Of course, there is a certain element of danger in flying, as there is in every sport. It is still a question in the minds of those who have tried both flying and motoring if the aerodrome, at its average gait of 38 miles an hour, is not a safer vehicle than an automobile when it goes tearing up the road at the same rate of speed." editorial in Outing, May 1909