![]() ![]() REVISED: 5/23/03
![]() Propjet and Turbojet Engines
Development of AeroFiles' jet engine section is underway, and herewith are the preliminaries, the early burners. More will be added as we get to them. Aerojet YLR45-AJ-1 19?? = Liquid rocket engine for JATO. AiResearch TPE-331 TSE-331 Allis-Chalmers H-1B 1944 = License production of de Havilland Goblin. Allison 250-B14, -B15 1965 = 310hp+ 32# Tprop A6+C1. -C10, C14 196? = 310hp+ 32# Tshaft, similar to T63. -C28 1977 = 250hp, complete redesign to 500-550hp. -C30 19?? = 700hp. -C34 19?? = 735hp. 501-B7 1944 = 2925# Tprop A19. Commercial version of T38-A-6. -M62 (YT701) 1975 = Modular free-turbine for XCH-62. -M80C 1987 = 520-C-1 19?? = 1870# Tjet A19. Version of T38-A-6 for USN. J33-A-6 1945 = 4600# Tjet C1. Derived from General Electric I-40. -A-8, -10 19?? = similar to J33-35. -A-16 19?? = 7000# with water injection. -A-23, -25 19?? = similar to J33-35. -A-29 19?? = USAF engine similar to J33-A-16. -A-31 19?? = similar to J33-35. -A-33 (400-D9) 19?? = 6000# reheat version. -A-35 (400-C13) 19?? = 5400# with water injection. -A-37 19?? = developed for guided missiles. J35-A-4 1946 = 5000# Tjet A11. Ex-General Electric TG-180. Complete redesign in 1949 as first J35-A-23, then J71. -A-11, -15, -17, -19 19?? = similar to J35-A-29. -A-21 19?? = 5600#, 6800# with reheat. -A-23 1949 = 9500# A16. Redesign of GE J35, became J71. -A-25 19?? = 5300#, similar to J35-29. -A-29 19?? = 5600#. -A-33 19?? = 7500# reheat version of J35-29. -A-35, -41 19?? = similar to J35-33. J71-A-2 19?? = Tjet A16; redesigned J35. USN special giving 14000# with reheat. -A-3 1950 = 9700#. Development of J35-A-21. -A-7 1950 = similar to J71-9. -A-9 1950 = 14000# high-altitude reheat version. T38-A-6 1944 = 2925# Tprop A19. T40-A-6 19?? = 5500-5850# Tprop A19+A19. Coupled T38. -A-10 1948 = similar to T40-A-6. -A-14 19?? = 7100-7500# developed for VTOL XFV-1 and XFY-1 prototypes. -A-20, -22 19?? = similar to T40-A-10. T54-A-2 19?? = Derived from T38. 7500# Tprop A19+A19. Coupled T56. T56-A-1 19?? = 3750# Tprop A16. Redesign of T38. -A-3 19?? = similar to T56-A-1. T63-A-5 1958 (E4CE) = Helicopter. 250hp+ 26# Tshaft A6+C1. Boosted to 317hp in 1965. T78-A-2 19?? = 4900hp Tprop A14. Military. T-701 SEE 501-M62 Boeing 1944: Boeing Co, Industrial Products Div, Renton WA. 1968: Production rights sold to Steward-Davis. ![]() 500 1946 = 180-210# Tjet C1. Never flown. T50 (502-10B) 19?? = 224-365# Tprop C1. T50-BO1 (502-8B) 19?? = 175# Tprop C1. -BO2 (502-2F) 19?? = 270-500# Tprop C1. Chrysler Chrysler Engineering Corp. T36 1948 = 1000+# Tprop A. Project cancelled. Continental Continental Motors. J69-T-3 1952 = 883# Tjet C1. -T-7, -9, -11, -13, -15 1953 = 920# Tjet C1. Various installations. -T-19 1954 = 1000# Tjet C1. USAF production. T51-T-1 (210-1) 1953 = 290# Tprop version of Turbomèca Artouste 1. -T-3 1953 = 400# Tprop version of Turbomèca Artouste 2. Fairchild Fairchild Engine Div. J44-R-1, -2, -12, 20 1951 = 1000# Tjet MF1. Expendable missile engine. Flader - J55 supersonic guided missle engine, project cancelled. General Electric General Electric Corp Engine Div. CF700-2 19?? (E7EA) = CJ610-1 19?? (1E16) = CJ805-3 19?? (306) = CJ805-23 19?? (1E5) = CT58-100-1 19?? (1E3) = CT58-110-1 19?? = CT58-140-1 19?? = I 1942 = I-A 1942 = I-A2 1942 = I-11 I-14 1943 = POP: a few prototypes. I-18 I-20 J31 (I-16) 1943 = J33 (I-40) 1944 = 4600#, 5400# with afterburner. Descended from British Whittle W.2B. To Allison for production. J35 (TG-180) To Allison for development in 1945. J47-GE-2 J47-PM-25 J47-ST-25 J53 J73-GE-1 1949 = J77 J79-GE-2 J79-GE-3 J79-GE-5 J79-GE-7 J79-GE-8 J79-GE-11 J79-GE-15 J79 (X-24A) J85-GE-5 19?? = J85-GE-7 J85-GE-J2 J93-GE-3 19?? = T-31 (TG-100) 1943 = T37 Turbodyne T58-GE-1 19?? = T64-GE-1 19?? = XT-58 TG-110 TG-120 Jharl - None built. Lockheed XJ37 (L-1000) 1944 - Transferred to Menasco. Lycoming PLF1A-2 19?? = 4320# Tfan A7+C1. T-55-L-7 with front fan. -B-2 19?? = 5220# Tfan A9. LTC4 with front fan. T53-L-1 (LTC1) - same as LTC1-B-2. -L-5 - same as LTC1-K-1. -L-9 - same as LTC1-K-2. -L-11 - same as LTC1-K-5. -L-13 - same as LTC1-K-4. LTC1-B-2 19?? = 860hp + 102# Tshaft A5+C1. LTC1-F-1 19?? = 1005hp + 120# Tprop A5+C1. LTC1-F-2 19?? = 1150hp + 124# Tprop A5+C1. LTC1-K-1 19?? = 960hp + 102# Tshaft A5+C1. LTC1-K-2, -K-5 19?? = 1100hp + 124# Tshaft A5+C1. Military helo and VTOL. LTC1-K-4 19?? = 1400hp + 126# Tshaft. Military helo. T55-L-5 (LTC4) 19?? = 2650hp + 237# Tshaft A7+C1. Military helo. -L-7 - same as LTC4B-8. -L-9 - same as LTC4G-3. LTC4B-8 19?? = 2650hp + 237# Tshaft A7+C1. Military helo. LTC4B-11 19?? = 2200hp Tshaft. Military helo. LTC4G-3 19?? = 2530hp + 210# Tprop A7+C1. Military. LTC4G-4 19?? = 2695hp + 237# Tprop. Military. LTC4K-2 19?? = 3400hp Tshaft. Military helo. LTC4M-1 19?? = 3413hp + 220#; similiar to T53-L-9 with increased airflow. T5307 19?? (?) = Commercial version of T53-L-7. T5309 19?? (E1EA) = Commercial version of T53-L-9. Marquardt 1944: Marquardt Aircraft Co. C-30 19?? = C-48 19?? = MA-16 19?? = Pulsejet. RJ30 (C-20) 194? = XRJ30-MA 194? = First successful American ramjet put in production. XRJ31-MA 194? = USAF subsonic ramjet. Menasco XJ37 1945 - 5500# Tjet project taken over by Wright. Northrop-Hendy XT37 Turbodyne 1944 = Started by Northrop, purchased by GE in 1950. Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229 c.2000 = J42-P-2 (JT-6) Nene 194? = 5000# Tjet C1. Rolls-Royce Nene built under license. -P-4, -6 1948 = J48-F-7 19?? = similar to J48-P-7, built by Ford. J48-P-4 (JT-7) Tay 194? = 5000# Tjet C1. Rolls-Royce Tay built under license. -P-5 1948 = 8300# reheat version. -P-6 1948 = 7000# reheat version. -P-8 1948 = 8500# reheat version. J52-P-6 19?? = 8500# Tjet C12 for USN. -P-8 19?? = 9300#. J57-P-1 (JT-3) 19?? = 8700# Tjet A8+8. First P&W original design. -P-2 19?? = 9700# USN engine similar to J57-P-3. -P-3 19?? = 14500# reheat version. -P-4, -5 19?? = USN engine similar to J57-P-3. -P-7 19?? = 14250# reheat version. -P-20 19?? = 18000# reheat version for USN. -P-43WB 19?? = 13750# for USAF. J58-P-4 19?? = 32000# Tjet A8. Similar to JT11; reheat; supersonic. J60-P-3, -5 19?? = 3000# Tjet A9. Military, similar to JT12. -P-9 19?? = 3300#. J75 19?? = 15000# Tjet A8+7. J75-P-19W 19?? = 24500# reheat version. JFTD12A-3 19?? = 4050# Tjet A9. Helicopter engine developed from JT12A. JT3C-6 19?? (290) = 13500# Tjet A9+7. Water injection. JT3C-7 19?? (290) = 12000#. JT3D-3 19?? (1E8) = 18000# Tfan A6+7. JT3L 19?? = 14500# commercial version of J57-P-3. JT4A-11 19?? (291) = 14000# Tfan A4+7. JT8D-1 19?? (E2EA) = 17500# Tfan A4+7. JT8D-5 (E2EA) 19?? = 12000#. JT11 19?? = No data. JT12A-3, -5, -6 19?? (1E9) = 3000# Tjet A9. JT12A-8 19?? = 3300#. PT2F-1 19?? = 5600# commercial version of T34. T34, YT34-P-1 1946 = 5700# Tprop A13. USAF production. -P-2 1946 = same as YT34-P-1, but USN production. -P-12 1946 = minor modifications, true annular combustion chamber. T48 19?? = 9860# Tprop A13. T52 19?? = 8500# Tprop A?. Production ended in 1954. TF30-P-1 19?? = 19000# Tfan A7+7. Similar to JTF10; reheat; supersonic. TF33 19?? = 21000# Tfan A7+7. Similar to JT3D. Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6 1961 = Reaction Motors 1941: Thiokol. XLR-8 19?? = 6000# LOx rocket. Used in Douglas Skyrocket. XLR-10 19?? = XLR-11 (6000C4) 19?? = LOx rocket used in Bell X-1, Republic XF-91. XLR-32 19?? = YLR99-RM-1 c.1964 = Variable 17400-57000# rocketjet. Rocketdyne AR2-3 19?? = Rocketjet. Westinghouse J30 (19A) 1943 = 1360# Tjet A6. Original Westinghouse design. J30-WE-20 19?? = 1600# Tjet A10. Developed from 19A. J32 (X9-5B) 19?? = 275# Tjet A6. Developed from X9-5A. J34-WE-11, -15 19?? = 4200# Tjet A11. Short reheat tailpipe. -WE-17 19?? = Similar to J34-WE-42. -WE-22 (24C-4B) 19?? = 3000#, similar to J34-WE-36. -WE-30 19?? = No data. -WE-32 19?? = Variant of J34-WE-42. -WE-34 (24C-4D) 19?? = 3250#. -WE-36 (24C-4E) 19?? = 3400#. -WE-42 19?? = 4200# reheat version. -WE-46, -48 19?? = 3400#. J40-WE-6 19?? = 7500# Tjet A10. Y-intake. -WE-8, -22 19?? = 11600# reheat versions. J46-WE-4 (24C-10) 19?? = 4500# Tjet A11. Redesign of J34. -WE-8 (24C-10D) 19?? = 6000# reheat version. Wright J59 1949 = 12000# Tjet A?. Discontinued. J61 1949 = 11000# Tjet A12. Discontinued in 1949. J65-W-1 Sapphire 19?? = 7200# Tjet A13. Licensed production of Armstrong-Siddeley Sapphire. -W-2 19?? = No data. -W-3 19?? = Standard production version. -W-4 19?? = 7800#. -W-5 19?? = 7200# with gas turbine starter. -W-6 19?? = 10500# USN reheat engine. -W-7 19?? = 7500#. -W-16 19?? = 7700#. -W-18 19?? = 10500# reheat version of J65-W-16. J65-B-3 19?? = J65-W-3 built by Buick. J67 19?? = 15000# Tjet A6+8. License-built Bristol Olympus. T35-W-1 Typhoon 1944 = 5500# Tprop A18. First Wright gas turbine. T47 19?? = Tprop version of J67. T49 (TP-51) 19?? = 10000# Tprop version of J65. |